Darren Jarvis • December 21, 2020

Matrix Industrial Systems was proud to work in conjunction with AC Marine in designing and supplying critical systems for Georgia Aquarium's newest venue to experience sharks directly with the grand opening of their 1.2MM gallon Shark Tank.  This attraction allows you to submerge into the tank within a shark cage and begin an underwater journey traversing the pool as it is suspended and moved by a hoist/monorail system.  Breathing air for the participants is supplied through an umbilical tethered to the cage and connected to a specialized Breathing Air Control System (BACS).

Matrix designed, supplied and installed the complete BACS.  Our system incorporated many levels of redundancy and failsafe design on the shore as well as in the cage itself.  We deploy a 2-stage primary breathing air compressor with a secondary 2-stage back-up.  In the event that all 4 stages were to fail and the system pressure dropped below setpoint (or a major power failure), then we have emergency shore supplied high pressure K-bottles that automatically deploy to maintain the air supply.  On top of that, if breathing air pressure within cage itself were to drop too low (either complete failure from shore or if the umbilical became detached from the cage) then we designed another high pressure emergency air supply within the cage itself.  This system was completely mechanical in nature bolstering a failsafe independent system design.

Matrix's project scope was as follows:

  1. Engineer and HAZOP the complete sanitary breathing air system as a life safety critical system.
  2. Supply and Install the BACS as a complete Equipment Package.
  3. Supply and Install the PLC Based Control System for the BACS as a UL Certified 508A Control System.
  4. Supply and Install the Umbilical, Festoon System and Connections to Shore and Cage.
  5. Supply and Install the Cage Breathing Air Manifold and Components.
Matrix Partner - AC Marine Matrix Partner - Umbilicals International

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