
Process Scrubbers and Liquid Handling Systems

Matrix routinely designs projects for chemical plants, paper mills and other industrial facilities across the US. Our experience shines in process piping, instrumentation, reactor design, as well as tank storage, mixing and liquid loadout system.
November 25, 2019
Over the years Matrix has provided the detailed engineering and project management for several truck and rail car loading and unloading stations. Projects included piping, foundation, and electrical grounding design. Many of these projects were for flammable and/or toxic liquids. These projects greatly improved personnel safety and enhanced loading and unloading efficiencies.
November 25, 2019
Matrix provided the civil/structural, mechanical and electrical engineering necessary for a Tall Oil Distribution System at Continental Tire. The re-circulation loop fed eight Banbury® Mixers and employed a 12,000 gallon tank with over 2000 ft of piping. The tall oil was temperature critical for storage and flow. Much care was taken in the design to ensure proper temperature and flow-ability.
November 25, 2019
Our engineers provided the mechanical engineering necessary for the pump supply and return piping on a new scrubber system for a coal crushing facility near Birmingham, Alabama. The venturi scrubber required 2750 gpm at 30 psig and discharged into a 40 ft diameter mist eliminator. The primary return from the mist eliminator was a gravity drain line to a sluice settling pond over 300 ft away. A secondary forced return employed a 2600 gpm pump.
November 10, 2006
Matrix provided the detailed engineering for complete system upgrades for four (4) product receivers on an industrial batch distillation unit. This included all new piping, instrumentation, valving, platforms, safety interlocks, and heat tracing and insulation. This project improved operating efficiencies and process safety.
June 1, 2001
Matrix Engineering provided the concept drawings, budget estimates, structural, mechanical, and electrical detailed engineering necessary to install a venturi/flooded elbow scrubber system with a mist eliminator at the Nashville, TN plant. A new multi-level structure was used to support and access the new scrubber and mist eliminator. This structure adjoined an existing structure and tank that were utilized for the project. The project also included a drum dumping and a lump feeding system as well as a tote-bin wash-down station. These handling projects were very difficult due to the extreme corrosive nature of the product. Besides structural design and detail drawings, we also provided vessel arrangement, ductwork layout, piping design and details, as well as electrical.
November 25, 1999
Matrix Engineering provided the structural, mechanical and electrical engineering necessary to scrub hydrogen sulfide off-gases from an existing phosphoric acid process. Scrubber consisted of a packed tower, fan, and proprietary solution tank. Scrubber off-stream could not discharge into the plant sewer system for safety reasons. Therefore we had to design a separate line directly to the plant outfall around 1000 ft away.
November 25, 1998
Matrix Engineering provided the concept drawings, budget estimates, structural, mechanical, and electrical engineering necessary to replace an existing thermal oxidizer, hydrator and mist eliminator. The new thermal oxidizer and quencher required a 5-story roofed structural tower. The new mist eliminator required its own support and access structure. We also provided all the engineering necessary to install a new 300-hp exhaust fan. Controls for the scrubber system were integrated into an existing DCS system. Besides all structural drawings, we also provided all process, general arrangements, foundation ductwork, piping and electrical drawings.
October 1, 1998
Matrix Engineering provided the concept drawings, budget estimates, structural, mechanical, and electrical detailed engineering necessary to install a mixing, storage and truck load-out facility in the Nashville, TN plant. The objective of the project was to make a solution from crystals in drums utilizing a drum dumper or from another liquid source in the plant. The density of the solution had a narrow acceptable range and had to be controlled accurately. The entire system was integrated to the DCS control system of the plant.
February 2, 1997
Matrix Engineering provided the structural and mechanical engineering necessary to replace a mist eliminator within the catalyst scrubber system at the Nashville, Tennessee plant. The new kynar lined FRP mist eliminator was designed with expansion of the scrubber system in mind. However, spatial constraints dictated we have a very close coordination with the vessel designer and fabricator for an almost impossible fit. The existing structural steel was also upgraded to accommodate the new heavier vessel. Besides structural design and detail drawings, we also provided vessel arrangement, fiberglass ductwork layout and details, and piping drawings.
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